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📢 News for all CZU students! 🚀
Starting from September 30, 2024, we are launching the pilot phase of the new intranet – you can find it at student.czu.cz. 🎓📲
What will the intranet offer you?
✅ Quick access to all important information
✅ Latest news from the university in one place
✅ Benefits and discounts for students
✅ Simple navigation, even from your mobile!
➡️ Check out student.czu.cz and be part of improving student life! 🎉 Autor správy a foto Fakulta životního prostředí – ČZU v Praze on Facebook V prípade, že ste zaznamenali chybu v príspevku prosím kontaktujte nás cez kontaktný formulár. Ďakujem