Photos from Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum’s post
Dielo dňa I Artwork of the day
Naum Gabo (RU) – Konštruovaná hlava č. 2 | Constructed head No.2
železo | iron
Vystavená Konštruovaná hlava č. 2 je Gabovým najrenomovanejším dielom. Dokonca ju nazvali „Madonou dvadsiateho storočia“, pretože jej štruktúra je najkrajším a najhlbším objavom umenia 20. storočia. Patrí k prvej skupine diel, ktoré vznikli počas jeho pobytu v Osle 1916 – 1917. Bola to séria štyroch figuratívnych diel (dve hlavy, busta a torzo). Koncepcia vychádzala z jeho novej interpretácie tradičnej formy ako otvorenej štruktúry, ktorá odmieta objem ako hmotu. Bola výsledkom jeho experimentov, ktoré viedli k originálnej revolučnej technike – stereometrickej metóde. Najprv vytvoril modely z vyrezaných plátov lepenky, ktoré skladal do priestorových konštrukcií. Výsledná skulptúra bola celá formovaná iba plochami. Novú metódu nazval „open planars construction stereometric“ a použil ju iba v štyroch uvedených dielach. Naum Gabo vedel, čo dosiahol: „Považujem to za veľký krok vpred vo vývoji priestorových štruktúr a som hrdý na to, že som to urobil.“
The exhibited Constructed head No. 2 is Gabo’s most prestigious work. It was even given the name “20th Century Madonna” because its structure is the most beautiful and deepest invention of 20th century art. One of his first groups of works created during his stay in Oslo from 1916 to 1917, it is a series of four figurative works (two heads, a bust and a torso). The concept was based on his new interpretation of traditional form as an open structure which rejects volume as the mass, and was the result of his experiments which led to the original revolutionary Stereometric Method. First he created models from sawed off veneer boards which he placed in spatial constructions. The entire resulting sculpture was formed only by planes. He called the new method “open planars construction stereometric” and used it only in the aforementioned four works. The early phase of Gabo’s work shifted the Cubist deconstruction of form to another level by opening it and setting overlapping planes to rhythm, thus introducing a new way of thinking for sculpture. Naum Gabo was aware of his achiement: “I consider this as a huge step forward in the development of spatial structures and I am proud that I did it”.
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